
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Pastor's Class  10:00 - 11:00 AM
                    Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM

Privat Confession by appointment.



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Was Ever Another Command So Obeyed?

This quote is from Dom Gregory Dix's magnum opus, published in 1945 "The Shape Of The Liturgy". He set the tone for liturgical discussion and renewal that still continues today. Not everything he says is of equal value, but fascinating, and instructive nonetheless. But this quote about the Sacrament "Was Ever Another Command So Obeyed"is Classic. Classic, I say,even ...

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On Virtue: By UPS

In this delightful article a woman learns a lesson in virtue from the UPS man The church is interested in more than virtue; it teaches holiness. "Be ye therefore holy for I the Lord your God am holy." (Lev. 20:7) But a little virtue right now, be it from Christian truth or the UPS man, would go a long way in restoring civility, and giving us all peace. (1 Timothy 2:1-5) ...

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Abraham Martin And John

And just like that an old white guy "gets" MLK. The gravest injustice in modern times has been done to the population of the planet, people of all races, creeds and colors by demogogues in government, media, science and religion who have caved to warrantless fear, founded on baseless information. Are we that credulous? To this day (long after the "curve has been flatten...

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The Word Works - Addendum

If you read the previous postyou will understand why at Christ Lutheran Church we traffic only in Scripture, do commerce only in the Holy Bible's Holy Words. We hear things that richly bless us merely by virtue of being in the room as they are articulated. But the Word of God never stops at the ears, but from the ear it enters the heart and remakes us, and fits us, for th...

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The Word Works - by Pastor Larry Beane of Gretna, LA

The Holy Spirit has worked through Rev. Larry Beane, a true theologian who, like the famous Paul Gerhardt, has been tested in Satan's sieve. What he reminds us of below is what the church has utterly forgotten! May she now remember it. May every pastor read this every morning for the rest of his life. And now, Pastor Beane: The Word works. There is no more Lutheran sta...

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Lickspittle As The World Burns

Pray for America's safety forces, they stand between us and chaos. Pray that our leaders will have the political will to allow the police to do their jobs. Tonight two police officers from Louisville KY have been shot attempting to keep the peace there. This is evil, and only God himself can restore quiet. Let the churches return to their sanctuaries and offer formal and ...

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Intriguing Possibilities

Yesterday's gospel was the parable of the workers in the vineyard, Matthew 20:1-16 The parable is self-evident. By it the primitive church, comprised of Jews and Gentiles, learns that though the Jews were the First to be called into God's vineyard, the church, they should not despise the Gentiles who "stood in the marketplace idle" for centuries. But that both were now on...

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A Gift From Above

Today the news is reporting thatGovernor DeWine of Ohio has signed a billthat bars any state of local government in Ohio from closing houses of worship because of a health emergency. If you don't know it already religious liberty is a great gift, one that many people have prayed for, sacrificed, suffered and died for. We must not take that lightly, for to do so would be...

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Be Not Insane

Vast numbers of people have lost their mind today, and do not know it.Insanity is the norm, rational thought and measured actions the exception. But without recourse to reality it is not possible help the schizophrenic detect that his being Napoleon is an illusion. It seems as if the curse of Deuteronomy 28:28 is come true in our own day, "The LORD will strike thee with ...

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Chaplain Field Report - Addendum

Something has been troubling me since Thursday night's tragedy, I could not put my finger on it till this morning. This scene, as all others, was indescribably tragic: the sights, sounds, howls and whimpers of disconsolate grief. But what made itsurreal compared to all the others in which I've served was, in a word, masks. Everyone (except yours truly) wore one. It took ...

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