
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Pastor's Class  10:00 - 11:00 AM
                    Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM

Privat Confession by appointment.



Archives for April 2019

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For Preachers Only

Pastor, if you are preaching on the Epistles of Series C for the Sundays after Easter they are all from Revelation. Here are a few notes you might find helpful....

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Seminar On St. John's Gospel - Rev. Dr. William Weinrich

MONDAY JUNE 10, 2019 AND TUESDAY JUNE 11, 2019 ...

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What Is "The Faith"?

When St. Paul writes: "Examine yourselves to see whether or not you are IN THE FAITH" in 2 Cor.3:5 Or When St. Jude writes of "THE FAITH once delivered unto the saints" what is the content of that Faith? Are these apostles speaking notionally? Is it simply a kergyma of uncertain content that they have in mind? Or are they possibly referencing an unknown first century cree...

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What Farmers, Shop Keepers and Peasants Can Teach Us

Here are two noteworthy articles that will help to reframe us regarding the importance of constucting beautiful churches.

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On The Passover By Melito Bishop Of Sardis 170 AD

If you want to know how the church fathers understood Scripture, and preached, you will find no better example than this Easter sermon by Melito who was Bishop of the Church in Sardis (in Western Turkey), and was martyred for the faith around 180 AD. ...

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Incense In The Church

A thumbnail sketch of why incense has always been part of the worship of the true God; and why Lutheran piety should re-admit it to its worship....

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Is Your Church Too Mission-Minded?

Yesterday I wrote a post entitled:Is Your Church Too Friendly? As a greater number of visitors enter the church doors tomorrow ask yourself: Is your church too-mission minded? By this question I wish to re-affirm that Holy Worship is not a mission event. The church does not assemble to convert the world but, at the risk of stating the obvious, to worship. To worship the...

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Is Your Church Too Friendly?

As a larger than normal number of visitors will attend Services this Easter let us ask ourselves: Is my church too friendly? As a pastor who is busy every Sunday morning I don't often get to observe other churches in action. But I keep my ear to the ground; I make inquiries; I get reports from others; and I check out church websites; and what I observe is embarrassing. C...

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Liturgical Renewal In the LCMS - An Assessment

I thought this to be a wonderful article by Rev. Larry Peterson, Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Clarksville TN about the "liturgical movement" that is afoot in the LCMS. He is spot on....

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More On Scripture As Liturgy

This discussion is based on the Epistle for Easter Mass (Series C) of the Lutheran Service Book....

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A Preview Of Easter Joy

As a preview of Easter joy I here present the Old Testament lesson for Easter from the Prophet Isaiah with commentary to follow. 17 "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.. 18 But be glad and rejoice forever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem to be a joy, and her peopl...

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