
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM (Genesis 1-3 like you never heard it before.)
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Divine Liturgy 7:00

Private Confession: by appointment.


Archives for November 2017

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The State Of The Sacrament

It seems to me that the most embattled doctrine of the Christian religion is not the Divinity of Christ, the Cross, Baptism or Justification By Grace, but the Eucharist. There is a reason. "THIS CUP is the New Testament." The celebration of the Eucharist constitutes the practice of the holy Christian religion. Apart from joining in it the Faith is but head knowledge, and...

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The Donkey

The traditional Gospel for the First Sunday of Advent is the Palm Sunday GospelMark 11:1-10. What do they have in common? They are both about Jesus coming. Jesus delivering himself into evil, to deliver us from it. The occasions are different, but the mission the same. "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief." (1 Timothy 1:15). Yet, this ...

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A Retake Of 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Here is my translation and explanation of theEpistle for Sunday. 3 Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and (our) Lord, JesusChrist. 4 I make Eucharist to my God always on your behalf because ofthe grace of God which was given to you in Christ Jesus, 5 that in allthings you have been made rich in him, in every utterance and allknowledge, 6 even as the Testimony of ...

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The History Theology And Practice Of Christian Worship - Part 4

Last week we did get an audio recording of the class, but the quality was low, so we'll pass on that idea for now. Last week we discussed the various names of the Sunday assembly. Most Protestants call it The Service, or The Worship Service. Lutherans in recent years have changed their terminology and call it Divine Service, or The Divine Service. Rome calls it The Mass, ...

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Collect For The Last Sunday Of The Church Year

O God, absolve your people from their offenses that, from the bonds of our sins which by reason of our frailty we have brought upon ourselves, we may be delivered by your bountiful goodness: through Jesus Christ, your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. The Collectis a prayer peculiar to Western Liturgy. You won't find...

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A Retake On "The Book Of Philemon"

Gentle Reader, please consider this "retake" on the translation and interpretation of St. Paul's epistle to Philemon. This "book" or "letter" is usually taken to be little more than a diplomatic request by Paul on behalf of the run away slave Onesimus. It is that, but much more! Have your Bible handy as you read this, and those who are so able, your Greek N.T. v. 1 Like a...

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The History Theology And Practice Of Christian Worship - Part 3

Last week, once again, we had a technical failure when it came to the audio recording of the class. We will try one more time, tomorrow. If it works, it will be posted here, and the recordings will continue. What I'd like is a GoPro camera setup that takes care of all those problems, and gives us a video recording as well. It would be nice to post it on the chruch website....

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The History Theology And Practice Of Christian Worship - Part 2

Last Sunday I posted Part 1 of this study, this is a continuation of it. I tried to make a voice recording, but there was an equipment failure. Today I hope we can do better. If so I will post it on the blog. Today in the pastor's class we will continue our study of three words: Lutheran, Service / Liturgy, and Book. In order to understand Service or Liturgy (which are sy...

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Though Devils All The World Should Fill - Part 2

The worm is slowly turning. It seems as if the Texas shooting has rescued us from the violent seas of emotion, and sent us back to the safe shores of reason. Like the prophet Jonah we have been spit out of the belly of the whale, and returned to human habitation. And like the demoniac in Mark chapter 5 we are once again clothed and in our right minds. Many flags are flyi...

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Though Devils All The World Should Fill

Yesterday's shooting at a Texas church is the third mass casualty event in just over a month. Such tragedies call forth our prayers to God who, in Christ, graciously promises to hear us. And so let us pray! Let us remember all who died, all who suffer loss, and those who respond in the aftermath. This is the work of the church which is Salt and Light to the world. May God ...

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A Retake On Philippians Chapter One

Once again I assert that we should read Scripture, especially Paul'ssermons, liturgically and sacramentally. What does such reading looklike?Below is my own translation of vss 1 through 11, this Sunday's epistlefor the 1 year series.1 Paul and Timothy worshipers of Christ Jesus to all the holy ones inChrist Jesus, who are in Philippi with (their) bishops and deacons.Commen...

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The History Practice And Theology Of Christian Worship - Part 1

What you will read here is what I intend to cover in The History Practice And Theology Of Christian Worship - Part 1. The course which begins on All Saints Day 2017 will continue into spring of 2018. The course will be held from 9:00 AM till 10:00 AM each Sunday here at CLC. The text book, besides the Scriptures, Lutheran Confessions, and church history, will be the Luthe...

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Another Important Way To Celebrate The Lutheran Reformation

Lutherans should remember that as necessary and inevitable as the Reformation was, it was also tragic. Tragic in that it created an ugly divorce within the church, and that's always terrible, even if unavoidable.Had cooler heads prevailed the church may well have reformed, and that would have been good in every way. But that isn't want happened. As a result there are now d...

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A Mighty Fortress Is Our God

Reformation Vespers was attended by 22 people who fed on the Word of God, and offered their prayers, praise and thanksgiving, to mark this once in a life time occasion. Rev. Michael Wallace, pastor of Gethesame Lutheran Church in Lakewood, graciously served as Lector. Following the Service people met in the community room for a time of fellowship. It seems that no one was...

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