
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM (Genesis 1-3 like you never heard it before.)
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Divine Liturgy 7:00



Archives for June 2019

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Hearing Scripture Aright

To realize this is to hear Scripture differently than we do. The Lord's infancy narrative, for example, is not simply the story of Baby Jesus in Bethlehem but the solemn invitation for all men Jew and Gentile, King and Shepherd alike, to worship him at the manger of the altar in the Bethlehem of the church. The infancy narrative ceases, then, to be simply a story and becom...

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What Is Law What Is Faith?

The following is based on the epistle lesson for Pentecost 2 (Series C) which is quoted below....

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The Athanasian Creed

It is traditional in Lutheran parishes to confess the Athanasian Creed on Trinity Sunday, which is June 16th this year. Here is said Creed with an introduction to it in preparation for Sunday. INTRO: Early in the fourth century, a new teaching appeared which claimed that Jesus was not true God.Arius, the north African priest who first proposed this theory, was extremely p...

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More On Scripture As Liturgy - Genesis 11:1-9

It is my contention that Christians don't know what Scripture is, and consequently don't know how to read it or employ it. Scripture is not simply to be read for information, or systemitized into dogmatic propositions. Nor is it anyone's personal devotion book. But it is the church's book to be prayed by the church in the church. It is worship. It does not only contain lit...

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The One Non-Renewable Resource

Time is precious, expendable, and non-renewable.In this world one can always get more money, power or prestige by working harder and smarter. But, as Jesus says, no one can add a moment to the span of his life.Time, because of sin, is a curse. When one's time has run out it is out! It is non-renewable. Whatever else one might have hoped to be or do or have is over! Now en...

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