
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Pastor's Class  10:00 - 11:00 AM
                    Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM

Privat Confession by appointment.



Archives for March 2018

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Eucharistic Theology In Christian Art

Christian art preaches the gospel, and teaches the faith, without a single word spoken. Here is a perfect example in a piece known as the Melismos. In it the incarnate Christ is pictured on the paten, so that worshipers might know for certain that it is Christ's own flesh and blood that they are receiving "in, with and under" the elements of bread and wine. ...

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The Liturgical And Sacramental Nature Of St. Paul's Epistles

The Liturgical and Sacramental Nature of St. Paul's Epistles by: Rev. Dean Kavouras, PastorChrist Lutheran ChurchCleveland, Ohio to: Circuit PastorsMarch 27, 2018 Fellow Pastors: Thank you for your interest in my topic. One of the best pieces of advice I ever received is: Don't believe everything you think. With that caveat I am going to tell you what I think, and als...

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The Blessings Of Baptism - Cyprian Of Carthage 246 A.D.

The Sacrament (Mystery) of Christian Baptism by: St Cyprian Bishop of CarthageFrom a Letter written to a new convert, 246 A.D. Cyprian was born into a rich, pagan, family in Carthage sometime during the early third century. His original name was Thascius; he took the additional name Caecilius in memory of the priest to whom he owed his conversion. Before his conversion, h...

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The Curse Of Practicality

This article is written by Rev. Larry Peters, Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, Clarksville, TN The curse of practicality. . . In the modern world, the liturgy is often treated as a thing. It may be an important thing but it is still a thing, something to be done. It is handled the way you would a meal. It may be simple or it may be more elaborate but it is, und...

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The Body Of Christ. Amen!

When we moved into our new sanctuary a year and a half ago we made some liturgical changes. Among them was a change in the words of distribution for Holy Communion. We changed from repeating the words of institution (which are said in the consecration) to the formula: the Body of Christ, the Blood of Christ, to which God's people answer "Amen" completing, as it were, the c...

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The Eucharistic Foundation of Christian Prayer

The Eucharistic Foundation of Christian Prayer Rev. Dean Kavouras, PastorApril 26, 2016 Introduction Today let us take a fresh look at Christian prayer. But unlike presentations I've been exposed to (and maybe you have too) I have no plans today to provide you with a dogmatic review. Nor to burden you with urgent exhortations to pray more often, faithfully, or ardently....

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A Retake On Ephesians 2:1-10

Looking at this coming Sunday's epistle I think I see more support for my idea that there is a liturgical and sacramental foundation in all of Paul's epistles. That they are not simply letters. Prose. Even prose with a purpose. But that they were read on Sundays in the assembly of the baptized, and at certain points he either accesses liturgy with which the given church wa...

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The Internal Logic Of The Gospels

Contrary to the voice of critical scholarship for the last 200 years, I think we must re-assert that each of the four gospels stands on its own, and that each possesses its own internal logic. But what that logic is, is not always clear. Here is a possible solution. In macro all four gospels begin with, or highlight early on, the Lord's baptism. Likewise each features at ...

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