
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM (Genesis 1-3 like you never heard it before.)
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Divine Liturgy 7:00 (Beginning September 18, 2024)


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I Will Not Be Denied - On 50 Years Of Legal Abortion

Monday, January 22st, marks the 50th year since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that opened the floodgates for legal abortion. In that time period the largest holocaust in world history has taken place before our blurry eyes, inside of institutions that we thoughtlessly drive past daily, and nary a word is raised. The word "abortion" has two connotations. One is the...

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Last Sunday of the Church Year (C) - Epistle

The epistle for the Last Sunday of the Church Year is a beauty; see my translation below. Besides the divine knowledge that it imparts to us - unknowable by any man except God should reveal it - there is the matter of its format. I organize it in the form of versicles and responses because it so naturally accomodates that oldest and most well-known form of Holy Christian ...

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Malachi 3:13-18 - Last Sunday Of Church Year (C) A Lesson In Biblical Translation & Interpretation

I think we can safely assume that what was originally the prophecy ofthe prophets, in time, became fixed into a liturgical format that wasread aloud, and antiphonally prayed by faithful Israel in her worship.The context of the entire book from start to finish is addressed toworshiping Israel and her clergy. Further this prophet it is easily divided into versicles and resp...

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A Retake On Hebrews 13 (updated)

This may be one of the most mis-translated and thus mis-interpreted chapters of all Scripture. Below is my translation interspersed with explanatory comments. 1 Let brotherly love (eucharist) now proceed. This should be heard as a 1st century Preface. 2 Do not neglect to [eucharistically] welcome strangers [those from other communions who are in your region]; for by so d...

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Living The Baptismal Life

St. Paul's "letter" to the Colossians is more than a letter. It is, in fact, a baptismal address written to the newly baptized in the church at Colossae teaching them (and us) about the baptismal life. Though it is addressed to the baptized the vice and virtue listed herein is God's will for all men, a will and way of life that one disregards at his own peril. It is tru...

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Christian Response To "Wokeness" - Must See

Please view this video entitled: A Christian Response To Wokeness, and pass it on as able. Best if it is viewed several times....

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Fainting Couch

Do you have a fainting couch for sale? It should fetch a good price these days. A huge collision took place on the 4th of July. Cultural ideologists suffered a high speed crash with reality. They had been gatting about like chickens without a head since the Buffalo Massacre. Uvalde TX lit their hair on fire. The Highland Park Massacre on July 4th has added petroleum jelly...

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Was Salvador Ramos Sick Or Was He Evil?

It is not easy to quantify the stygian darkness in which our culture lives when considering the reactions to the Uvalde TX shooting. But two things especially trouble me. First the refusal of some in the media to mention the name of Salvador Ramos who perpetrated the crimes. This is childish and it should frighten us to have children steering something so powerful as the ...

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A Time To Be Silent

As of this writing 21 people have died at the hands of criminal Salvador Ramos in Uvalde, TX. Everyone wants to weigh in from the individual Tweeter to the president of the United States. But are they talking because they have something to say, or because the have to say something? There is nothing to say.Instead let every man repent of his sins, and root out the evil tha...

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Oil In Scripture And Church Practice

Oil In Scripture And Church Practice Perspective The Lutheran Reformation restored great truths to the holy Christian church, above all the primacy of God's grace: namely that sinners are spared the condemnation due to them because to their sins solely on the basis of God's grace and goodness! No one can purchase his way into heaven, but it is "the gift of God, not of...

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