
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Pastor's Class  10:00 - 11:00 AM
                    Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM

Privat Confession by appointment.



The Topic Of The Hour


Lutherans everywhere are asking the same question: what can we do to make the church grow? How do we fill the pews? Why are less and less people coming? In the wake of the question, solutions are often proposed. Should we advertise, start a social program, gather youngsters to play basketball, have an after school tutoring program, knock on doors, or try to get our delinquent members to return? Both the questions and the solutions come from well meaning people who don't want to see their church become extinct. But do they advance the ball?

Please know that these are spiritual questions, that demand a spiritual answer. The answer is this: that the Holy Spirit is in charge of church growth. Full stop. End of story. It is the Holy Spirit that "calls" and "gathers" people into the church. As Scripture says, "No one can say the 'Jesus is Lord', without the Holy Spirit." (1 Cor. 12:3).

This means that no one can manufacture church members. It means that there is no person, no pastor, no program that can cause sinners to fear, love and trust in God above all things; or instill the love of worship in them.

But let's ask this, too. Why do we concern ourselves? Is it a sincere and burning love for souls? Or is it the fear of institutional death? But hear the Word of the Lord dear ones in Christ: Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10).

The conversion of sinners is above the pay grade of pastors, and congregations. Until we learn that we will frustrate ourselves; we might even find ourselves oppossing God. (Acts 5:34) When the Lutheran churches of the Ohio District have engaged in a thousand different programs over the last 50 years; and the numbers are still heading south, we must ask ourselves some serious questions. Are we doing the wrong thing? Have we left our first love? (Rev. 2:4) Have we discounted the vital centrality of Holy Communion with our Lord, and the prayers of the church for the world, that are intimatley connected to the Eucharist? And is that why the world continues in its lost condition? Because we have chosen basketball over Holy Communion, and prayer?

Only God can be sure of the cause and effect, but one has to ask.

The first rule of getting out of a hole is to stop digging. And so let us leave our programs behind, and return to the altar of God, of God Most High. (Psalm 43). For this is the place where the pure gospel is proclaimed, where perfect prayers are prayed, and where the victory is won over "the principalities and powers of spiritual wickedness in high places." As the church proclaims the gospel here, and offers her prayers for the world here, Satan is beaten down; and blessing is poured out. That's how things work. "For we do not wrestle flesh and blood." (Ephesians 6:12ff)

To learn more, and to get back onto the right track, I offer this further vision for the Ohio District. If you are still interested after reading it please also read this post entitled: The Shifting Of Tectonic Plates. And your comments are sought and welcome.

1 Comment

As you write about the decline in our congregations, district, and synod, don't forget to indicate that the greatest attraction for others is that we love one another (John 13:34-35). If we live in the love of Christ and show that love to our neighbor, others will often want to be a part of that. We show such love not to get members or fill the pews, but simply because they need the love we can give them. Of course, such love for others flows from Christ's love for us received especially in the Divine Service. Read 1 John 3-4 for more.

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