
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Pastor's Class  10:00 - 11:00 AM
                    Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM

Privat Confession by appointment.



Jesus the Rainbow

July 28, 2024 Pastor: Rev. Dean Kavouras

Christ Lutheran Church
Cleveland, Ohio
July 28, 2024
by: Rev. Dean Kavouras

Pentecost 10B
Jesus The Rainbow

But he immediately spoke to them and said to them: "Take heart! I am. Do not be afraid. Mark 6:50 (DKV)

In today’s Old Testament lesson God establishes a covenant between Himself and all flesh upon the earth. He places the rainbow in the sky as a sign of the covenant, announcing that whenever he sees it he will remember to have mercy on sinful man, and not destroy the world again by a flood. We are that world, and our sins are the flood that destroy everything that God’s good Hand Made.

But let us praise God today because Christ is both the Covenant and the Rainbow. He is the one in the middle of the storm on the cross, suffering unspeakable sorrow, in perfect silence, for all the sins of all the world of all time and place. Especially for our distorted sexual practices, our contrived gender confusion, cross dressing, sinful surgeries, and those who perform them, approve of them, and encourage them.

But all must first repent, devote themselves to holy instruction, be baptized, and forsake their destructive ways.

In today’s Psalm, once-condemned but now-redeemed man, exclaims 26 times in 26 verses, “For he is good and his mercy endures forever.”

Take that to the bank all who are crushed with sorrow.
Take that to your bed at night, all who can't sleep.
Take that to your illness, troubles and to your grave!
And you will open your eyes to a New Day

In today’s epistle we also learn that Christ is the Mystery, who was only partially revealed through the ages; but who is now fully disclosed to the church to her prophets and apostles. He and his wall-bashing, bridge-building love will give this world peace – if only we will hear it and believe it.

In today’s gospel the knowledge of Christ that we heard in our earlier readings displays itself several ways.

First, He dismisses the crowd following the liturgy they had just celebrated in the desert, just like he does for us today – dismisses us with his blessing which attends us day and night.

Secondly, He climbs a mountain to pray for us, reminding us that he is our High Priest before the Father who intercedes for us. And with such an intercessor the repentant can always depend on remission; and know that he will always hear the prayer of his church.

Thirdly St. Mark writes, “And he alone was on the earth.” The best way to visualize that is to behold “Christ of the Andes” in Rio Di Janeiro, Brazil standing 98 ft. tall, and an arm span of 92 ft.

He is the banner of God’s love. Who “was made flesh.” Who is the “Light of the World so that anyone who follows him will never walk in darkness but have the Light of life.” (John 8:12) He is the radiant beam of Him who dwells in inapproachable light. Or as we said earlier, the Rainbow Covenant of Salvation: by whose many-colored stripes we are healed. Ah, Beautiful Mystery.

He is the representative Man who suffered brutal death in holy silence for us; and who takes us into himself in blessed baptism; giving us new life and new affections.

Fourthly, in today’s gospel Jesus walks on water – the indisputable sign of his divinity! Only God does that! As we know wind and water can be friendly, or unfriendly. The latter represents judgment on sinful man, who deserves to be dragged down in the depth of the sea, with a great millstone tied about his neck, never to surface again.

But Jesus with his eagle eye saw the disciples’ distress; and he sees yours! Indeed he is the One who sent them into it; and there are times he sends us into it as well. Do not be dismayed, and don’t lose a wink of sleep, have no anxious moment, because he is with you and the fourth watch of the night is almost over.

And as we learn from S. Mark he wanted to “pass them by,” but that doesn’t mean what you think it means. It is what the LORD did for Moses in Exodus 34:6. He protected Moses from his Glory so as not to kill him covering him with his Hand and “passing by” him as he declared his name and his graces. Just like Jesus does in our gospel: “Take heart! I am! Don’t be afraid.”

But being they were hanging onto life by a thread, and mistaking Jesus for the Grim Reaper coming to finish the job, Jesus does more than a divine “pass by.” He enters the boat and the contrary winds, and deadly waves instantly stop! Then the deadly waters turn into “the river whose stream makes glad the City of God.” (Ps. 46)

Now … without beginning a second homily today let us just say a very brief word about the latter part of today’s gospel where Jesus healed many, many sick people by the “sacrament-like” hem of His garment.

If we were to add up all the people that Jesus taught, fed, and healed during his earthly ministry, the number would be too large to recount. But because of that you can be sure that there was no one in the vast Roman empire, and even beyond, who did not hear of Jesus’s power and love.

Is it any wonder then that this mustard-seed of the Christian faith has spread across time and place even to the Gentiles of Cleveland Ohio? And, let us be quick to add, will continue to spread despite the “evangelism programs” that the Jonah’s of the church offer us in hopes of converting Nineveh?

But the only way anyone will ever be attracted to Jesus. “To fear, love and trust in him above all things,” is if a person first knows His proper identity.

If Jesus but a five letter word. A Sunday morning multiplier of bagels, juice and designer coffee, then we are still in our sins, and our faith in vain.

But if he is God’s Promise not to destroy the earth.

If he is the Rainbow by which the Heavenly Father preserves and untangles the world and its knots.

If he is the Mystery long awaited and now revealed.

If he is as it were “Christ of the Andes” above us all, giving life to the whole world; and calming the storms of devil, death, sin and sorrow by his cross

Then Jesus the Eternal Word of the Father made Flesh is entirely capable of reconciling all men to the Living God, making us all alive again, and restoring the joy of salvation to us.