Thoughts On Holy Communion
The world hums along as best it can as men and nations scurry about trying to squeeze the most juice out of life that they can; trying desperately to find happiness and peace; and hoping to create heaven on earth. But the greatest joy this world has to offer takes place at the Lord’s altar every Sunday, when sinful men, now absolved, Commune with the Holy.
The celebration of the Blessed Sacrament is the health and salvation of the church and the world. It is true rest for the weary, and gladness for the forlorn. It is remission of our sins, consolation for every sorrow, and strength for every challenge. It is the fulfillment of the 23rd Psalm – the Table the Lord prepares for us as our enemies can only look on, mouths agape.
There is nothing better than this!
As the baptismally cleansed Bride enters into marital union with their Holy Groom at the altar, the two become one flesh. What can be better than that? The Eucharist is heaven on earth. Eternity’s unspeakable blessings given here and now. Here the Groom is fully disposed to grant his Bride all that she should ask, and so the Eucharist has always been the time and place the church offered her most perfect and powerful prayers.
It is not enough just to talk about the cross, though such preaching and teaching is indispensible. Or to meditate and think about it, though such devotion, too, is a vital part of Christian experience. But we must also enact it, and factually participate in it, and it is by this Sacrament that God provides us that unique and most holy opportunity.
The Eucharist IS the New Testament. It both defines and constitutes us as the people of God. Take eat! Take drink! Do this!
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