
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM (Ephesians)
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Pastor's Class 10:00 AM (Psalm 119 deep dive)
                    Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM



Viva La Reforme!

In some ways the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation doesn't excite me much. Why would a Lutheran pastor say such a thing?

Because the Reformation didn't change Rome a bit (except to harden her). Also because it spawned the greatest balkanization of the church in Christian history via the Swiss and Radical Reformations; thus the countless Protestant denominations in existence today. Add to that the fact that Lutheranism itself was, in the end, conquered by rationalism and pietism; so that today the LCMS at large isn't sure who she is.

But Reformation Lutherans still have a vital role to play in the midst of the fray. We are the counter weight to all the errors of Rome and the East. We firmly reject the invocation of the saints which we consider to be "another gospel." (Galatians 1:7) We rediscovered, and hopefully still believe in, justification by faith in Christ crucified and raised again (not simply: justification by faith). Lutherans are the expositors and defenders of that vital doctrine which stands behind the Sacraments, and gives infinite comfort to the sinful soul! We expose indulgences, which are still very much alive in Rome, to be "another gospel." (Galatians 1:7) We oppose the error of Roman celibacy, which many believe has infected the church with shameful sexual abuse.

At the same time the Lutheran Reformation faith is the counter weight to all Fundamentalism (American Evangelicalism, the mega-church and Christian broadcasting theology) with its cognative gospel, and its contempt for the sacraments, and for the church's liturgy. It has strayed from the gospel and is, in many cases, not quite recognizable as Christian.

The church of the Lutheran Reformation is the via media. Not intentionally, as if there were merit in that fact alone. But it is who we are and what we do (even in our weakened state). If the Christian church hasn't come together in 2,000 years, we have no reasonable expectation that it ever will in this age; and so we must live with the tension. Even competition, and competition is good. It keeps everyone on his toes. It makes us examine and re-examine ourselves and our message. And so I say: Viva La Reforme! May God be merciful to us all.

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