
Sundays:  Pastor's Class 9:00 AM (Ephesians)
               Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM

Wednesdays: Pastor's Class 10:00 AM (Psalm 119 deep dive)
                    Divine Liturgy 7:00 PM



Reformation Day Service On October 31, 2017


The Reformation is not dead. At age 500 (October 31, 2017) it is, however, ailing. It's not the first time. In the past, attempts were made on its life, and it often lay wounded. But by God's grace the Reformation continues. It affirms all that is good in the history, theology and practice of the church of the ages. While at the same time serving as the counter weight to all theological error be it of Rome, the East, and of its own step-children, the Protestant bodies of America.

The Reformation Faith resists all of these and continues to preach the pure Gospel of salvation for sinners by grace, through faith. It gives light and hope to all who are lost in sin and death; sadness and confusion.

In Luther's day people could not believe in the forgiveness of sins. They did know they were sinners. O how they knew! But the gospel of God's grace was like a strange visitor from another planet. It was facile. Too easy. Too good to be true, and therefore not true. But in time the beauty of God's love and grace in Christ crucified captured the hearts and minds of the people, and genuine Christian faith once again took hold in the earth.

In our day people cannot believe they are sinners. "I may not be perfect," they say. But no one wants to admit to sin against God for which they are liable. But the Reformation proclaims both. Sin and Grace. Law and Gospel. Judgment and Salvation. And it is this trio: grace, gospel and salvation that are the Reformation's chief message.

But alas the Reformation is once again on a sick bed. On this 500th Anniversary there has been only a tepid remembrance. A few poorly attended events here and there. But not a grand Reformation Service. The kind that as recently as 50 years ago would bring 5,000 Lutherans together every October 31st at Cleveland Public Auditorium. Such a Service was attempted, but it was abandoned due to lack of interest.

Be that as it may Christ Lutheran Church cannot let the day pass without the gathering of God's people for worship, prayer, praise, thanksgiving!

And so on the 500th Anniversary, Tuesday October 31, 2017, at 7:30 PM there will be a Reformation Vespers Service. It may be attended by 10 people or standing room only. I don't know. But we will not let the day pass unmarked without worship and grateful song!

I ask you to mark this day with us. To pass this notice on to your churches, your pastors and your fellow Lutherans. "For by grace are you saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9. God be praised in Christ, for this!

Any pastors who would like to assist with lections, and readings from the Confessions, please contact me ASAP. Red stoles please.

Following Vespers there will be a modest reception. We ask that each household attending would bring a small snack to share, on a disposable dish. Christ Lutheran Church will supply bottled water, coffee, cups, plates, forks and napkins. That way we can enjoy each other's company, without the need for kitchen duty.

Use the west driveway, there is plenty of parking, good lighting, and NO STAIRS.

As you enter from the parking lot, leave your snacks in the first room to your right, and then proceed into God's House for holy and joyful worship.

Again, I ask you to pass this notice about to all who might have interest.

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We will see you tonight

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